Tips for Keeping Your Skin Healthy in Winter

The cold winter weather can wreak havoc on your skin. Dry air can leave your skin feeling rough, itchy, and irritated. Keeping your skin healthy in winter requires you to put a little extra effort into your daily routine. In this article, we will give you some tips to help keep your skin soft, moisturized, and healthy all winter long.


Moisturize Regularly

Moisturizing your skin every day is crucial, especially during cold weather. It's recommended that you add a moisturizer every time you shower or wash your hands and face to restore the moisture barrier and natural oils and ensure you lock it in to keep your skin healthy. A good moisturizer can restore and replenish essential nutrients in your skin, prevent dry skin, and improve your skin's glow during the winter. 


Drink Plenty of Water 

Drinking at least the recommended daily amount of water can have a powerful impact on the health of your skin. With plenty of water, you will be able to remain hydrated and improve your skin's elasticity, which can improve your skin's tone and tightness. Drinking enough water can also improve and balance your skin's pH levels and flush toxins from your body. Consuming at least 8 glasses of water per day should be sufficient for most adults, and limiting drinks that lead to dehydration, such as caffeine and alcohol, can also help improve the health of your skin. 


Use Lukewarm Water 

With the cold winter weather, it's tempting to take a hot shower to warm up your body. The truth is, hot water can do more harm than good to your skin by drying out your skin even further and removing your natural oils. If you don't moisturize immediately after a hot shower, your skin can dry out rapidly and end up cracking and flaking, which can be incredibly painful. Keep the water as cool as you can manage, and always moisturize after. 


Exfoliation is Key

Exfoliation is vital to a healthy skincare routine all year long and can be especially helpful during those dry winter months. Exfoliation helps rejuvenate the skin by removing dead cells, improving your skin's barrier, and encouraging cell turnover. Using a light or gentle exfoliator such as lactic or glycolic acid can help get the job done to enhance the health of your skin, improve its ability to absorb moisture, and boost skin regeneration. 


Use a Humidifier 

During the winter, the air naturally has less moisture which can cause your skin to dry out. Using a humidifier can help restore the moisture in the air and keep the humidity at an ideal level to protect your skin when you're at home. Run a humidifier in the rooms you spend the most time in, including your bedroom, to keep moisture in the air and ensure your skin stays hydrated. 


Stay Active 

During the winter, the colder weather and shorter days can cause a lot of distress and depression. Staying active is not just vital for your physical and mental health. It can help boost your skin's health by increasing your body's temperature, boosting circulation, and improving your heart rate while releasing serotonin and dopamine to keep the winter blues in check. A 30-minute walk outside can replenish the skin's vitamin D and boost your overall health. 


Wear Sunscreen 

Believe it or not, you still should add sunscreen daily to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Even in a cloud-covered sky, over 80% of the sun's rays can permeate clouds and still do damage and cause sunburns, cancer, and increase the signs of aging such as wrinkles, leathery skin, and spots. Before you go outside or hang by the open window, apply a sunscreen of at least SPF 30 or higher with moisturizing ingredients to every area of exposed skin. 


Eat a Healthy Diet

Caring for your skin starts from the inside out. Your diet can play a major role in the health of your skin and the ability to lock in moisture. Avoiding processed foods and sugars while adding plenty of fruits and vegetables to your diet can provide essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to keep your body and skin healthy. 


Adjust Your Skincare Routine 

If your skin is more irritated and drier during the winter, you may want to consider simplifying your skincare routine. Your skin has to be healthy to properly absorb ingredients used to improve skin moisture, such as serums and products. Your skin might also be more sensitive to fragrances and ingredients that can end up having the opposite effect and irritating your skin. Use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer in the morning and night until your skin's health is restored. 


Don't Forget Your Lips 

Caring for your lips is just as important as caring for your skin. Your lips are exposed to the cold, and dry, chapped lips can crack and become painful if not regularly moisturized. Choose a lip balm that adds moisture over lipsticks and other drying ingredients to help your lips look and feel their best. 


Wear Warm Winter Clothing 

When heading outside, putting a healthy barrier between your skin and the cold air is essential in ensuring your skin stays healthy. Wear gloves, scarves, hats, earmuffs, and anything to keep your skin warm to place a barrier between you and the elements. Wearing loose, comfortable fabrics can help ensure the material isn't scratching and further irritating your skin. 


While there are a lot of great tips here that can help you battle dry skin, if you experience dry skin that doesn't improve and appears to get worse, contact your dermatologist. They can help assess your skin condition and provide a care plan to get your skin back to a healthy place.

As the temperatures drop, taking a few extra steps in your daily routine and practicing good health habits can help ensure your skin retains moisture and remains radiant all winter long.


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