Everything You Need to Know About Prenatal Massage

Getting a professional massage always makes you feel better both physically and mentally, but can women get massages while pregnant? The answer is most definitely yes!! Massage therapy during pregnancy is not only acceptable, but highly encouraged. Pregnancy can be very stressful, so it is very important to take some time to relax and reward yourself for all the hard work your body has been putting in.

For those who have never had a professional massage before, let alone a prenatal one, the idea of going out and letting someone else handle your body while you’re carrying a baby may sound outrageous! In this article, however, we will be going over everything you should know about prenatal massage therapy so you will know exactly what to expect from one.


What is a prenatal massage?

A prenatal massage is a massage tailored to the needs of pregnant women. The massage is customized and will help reduce the back pain and swelling that is normally experienced during pregnancy. In addition to pain relief, prenatal massages improve circulation and help you get better sleep. Massage therapists who are trained to perform prenatal massage will understand the areas and pressure points that should be avoided and how the body should be positioned for the massage. In this form of therapy, a combination of styles such as techniques from Swedish massage are used to ease tension and relieve the stress that pregnancy can cause.


The benefits of prenatal massage

Prenatal massage benefits include:

·      Reducing back pain and swelling

·      Relieving stress and discomfort

·      Better sleep

·      Improving your mood

·      Increasing blood flow and circulation

·      Alleviating headaches and congestion

·      Preparing your body for labor


When can you get a prenatal massage?

According to the American Pregnancy Association, women can have a massage at any point during their pregnancy (even in the third trimester up to the baby’s due date), but most practitioners only give prenatal massages after the first trimester to avoid any potential complications such as miscarriage or cause dizziness/sickness.


Is prenatal massage safe?

Yes! Prenatal massages are safe as long as you seek out a professional massage therapist and consult with your doctor or care provider before getting a massage. Although getting a massage during pregnancy is generally fine, it is important to get an evaluation from your practitioner to make sure that you don’t have any complications and to determine if massage therapy is right for you.


Can a prenatal massage induce labor?

No, prenatal massage therapy cannot induce labor. It is a common myth that getting massaged can stimulate hormones that causes the labor process to start and birth to begin. There is very limited research on prenatal massages, but massage does seem to help women in labor by making them feel more relaxed during contractions.


What to expect from a prenatal massage

During a regular massage, you may typically expect to lay face-down on your belly for half the session and then on your back facing up for the other half. Though this would normally be fine, lying on your back face-up may cause the weight of your uterus to put pressure on your large blood vessels. This can cause nausea and possibly disrupt the blood flow and circulation to your baby, which is why you will most likely be laying on a massage table facing down or on your side in a prenatal massage. If properly trained in pregnancy massages, the massage therapist should know how to accommodate your body and support you with pillows and cushions so that you’ll be comfortable during your entire experience.

The therapist will also avoid using deep pressure on your legs, tummy, and other sensitive areas to prevent problems such as moving blood clots. If you feel any discomfort or pain, don’t be afraid to let them know immediately.


What to wear to a prenatal massage

What you wear to a prenatal massage is entirely up to you! Dressing for a prenatal massage should be no different from dressing for a regular massage. However, it is still strongly recommended to wear comfortable, loose clothing. Avoid wearing clothes that are difficult to put on and take off since, like other massages, you will more than likely have to undress for the service to be performed on your body properly. Regarding undergarments: it is suggested that you keep your underwear on during the service, but you may be asked to remove your bra if it can interfere with your treatment or cause irritation. The whole purpose of getting a massage is to make you feel as comfortable as possible, so let your prenatal massage therapist know what you’d be most comfortable with!


Prenatal massage vs regular massage

What is the difference between a regular massage and a prenatal massage?

Prenatal massage focuses on the long, gliding strokes of Swedish massage techniques and using minimal pressure on the body for a soothing experience. Deep pressure is typically avoided, unlike in other types of massage therapy, to prevent harm to the baby or mother. The goal of a prenatal massage is the same as a regular massage though, which is to help you feel the best you can possibly be and help alleviate pain. Since pregnancy is a period where your body undergoes many changes and you most certainly adjust your posture to accommodate this growth, you may feel strain especially in your lower back. Your prenatal massage therapist will be able to understand and recognize the parts of your body that require more attention such as this and give you treatment that is appropriate for your individual needs.



At ZZ Day Spa, we offer 50-minute or 80-minute prenatal massage packages performed by massage therapists who are professionally trained in massage for pregnant women.


If you have any additional questions regarding prenatal massages or if you are looking for the best professional prenatal massage in NYC, feel free to contact us by filling out a form here or by calling us at (212) 904-1552!


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