Benefits of Aromatherapy Massage

aromatherapy massage benefits


Imagine this: It is a Friday afternoon, and you have just finished a long week of work. You have been experiencing high levels of stress as the deadline for your large-scale project is approaching. On top of that, you pulled several all-nighters to ensure that everything is staying on track. At this point, your muscles are extremely tense and feel like tight coils that will not unwind. Your mind is in a constant loop of overthinking, replaying every task you have done so far and every potential mistake you might have made. There is only one thing that your body and mind crave right now: relaxation. This is where aromatherapy massages come into play. This unique form of massaging is the perfect way to hit the reset button. Your week-long worth of stress and anxiety will fade away with a simple aromatherapy massage appointment.

What is the History of Aromatherapy Massages?

Aromatherapy massage is a combination of massage techniques and the use of essential oils. The origins of essential oils can be traced back to all the way back to 2,000-3,000 B.C. It was a unique practice developed by the ancient Egyptians. The Egyptians would extract oils from specific herbs and flowers to create a mixture called kyphi. Kyphi had a variety of uses in everyday life. The clean smell was believed to be a necessity when carrying out rituals, making it a common item used in religious practices. The oils were also believed to have healing capabilities. Egyptians would prescribe kyphi to those suffering from health issues, such as digestive disorders. Because of its diverse uses, these fragrant oils were commodities that were highly sought after. 

It was no surprise that essential oils gained popularity past the Egyptian territories. Other regions, like China and Greece, quickly adopted the use of essential oils. These countries would add their own twist to essential oils by utilizing plants that were native to them. Essential oils have transcended culture and geography, leaving their mark on civilizations worldwide. This combination of herbs and flowers transcended culture and geography, leaving their mark on civilizations worldwide. 

It was not until the early 1900s that individuals began experimenting with essential oils, transforming them into aromatherapy. One key figure that contributed to this was Rene-Maurice Gattefosse. Rene-Maurice Gattefosse was a perfumer and chemist from Lyon, France. Essential oils caught Gattefosse’s attention while performing a chemical experiment. Unfortunately, Gattefosse burned his arm during the process. To ease the searing pain, he submerged his arm in a nearby barrel of lavender oil. The quick response resulted in a discovery he did not expect. Not only did the pain quickly subside, but there were also no scars left behind. At that moment, Gattefosse knew that he had to study the properties and benefits of essential oils. During his research, Gattefosse began an in-depth study of essential oils to see how they could be applied in a therapeutic and medical context. In addition, Gattefosse was the person who coined the term ‘aromatherapy.’ The term first appeared in his book titled Aromathérapie: Les Huiles essentielles hormones végétales

While Rene-Maurice Gattefosse popularized the concept of aromatherapy, he was not the one who developed aromatherapy massage. His research and initial findings were built upon and transformed by Marguerite Maury to create aromatherapy massage. This biochemist from Austria was particularly interested in the physical impacts of essential oils. Her studies focused on the nervous system and whether essential oils could be beneficial for it. Through trial and error, Maury found a unique method of applying a diluted form of essential oil. By incorporating specific massage techniques, Maury saw a new way to improve our well-being. She made a specific essential oil mix designed to target a person’s health problem and temperament. Marguerite Maruy’s work paved the way for modern aromatherapy massage. 

What is Aromatherapy Massage Today?

In today’s modern society, aromatherapy massages are a holistic therapy that is incredibly accessible. Most day spas, holistic clinics, and wellness centers provide this service. During an aromatherapy massage session, a trained therapist will provide one or more pre-blended essential oils based on an individual’s preferences, needs, and desired outcomes. There is a diverse range of essential oils used, such as chamomile, eucalyptus, sandalwood, jasmine, and bergamot. To ensure a smooth process, they are typically infused with carrier oils. It is important to dilute essential oils with other products as a concentrated amount of extract could irritate the skin. It also helps the therapist’s hands to smoothly glide over the skin. During this process, an individual will feel an array of different movements, which are Swedish massaging techniques. This involves tapping, moving our joints, and long kneading strokes. As the massage is happening, the essential oils are slowly absorbing into our skin and permeating the air. This dual route of absorption allows the therapeutic properties of the essential oils to take effect on both a physical and emotional level. 

What are the Benefits of an Aromatherapy Massage? 

It has been proven that aromatherapy massage has amazing benefits for our physical and mental state. But what are some of the specific benefits? Let’s dive right into that. 

1. Reduce stress levels

Stress is one of the biggest issues we face today. In such a fast-paced world, we cannot help but experience as we jump through hurdles and come across unfamiliar situations. However, our stress and anxiety levels can be reduced through an aromatherapy massage. During a session, people generally feel a wave of calmness rush through them. This is primarily due to the precise massage strokes and smell of essential oils. They cause our bodies to release a specific hormone called oxytocin. This helps our body by lowering stress hormones, specifically cortisol. 

2. Reduce anxiety levels 

There are many causes and symptoms of anxiety. Because of this, it is not easy to pinpoint and lower levels of anxiety. However, one effective method to help our anxiety is an aromatherapy massage. Specific essential oils can trigger certain receptors in our noses. Once triggered, messages are sent to our nervous system, influencing our biochemical processes. It essentially lowers our fight-or-flight instinct. This allows us to return to a state of relaxation and peace. 

3. Relieve muscle tension 

After long periods of working, it is not uncommon for our bodies to feel tense. Our backs may feel like rigid boards, and our necks could be as stiff as a pillar. Recent studies prove that aromatherapy massage would be incredibly efficient in relieving this muscle tension. When essential oils are rubbed into our skin, they can penetrate the dermis, which is the middle layer of skin. This, combined with massage techniques, will increase levels of mitochondria. Higher levels of mitochondria will lead to more energy production and cellular growth. As a result, inflammation in tense areas will be reduced, and damaged areas will be repaired. 

4. Promote relaxation

Relaxation is one of the primary motivations of wellness. It is unsurprising that aromatherapy massages help people achieve a state of relaxation. During a session, our ‘rest and digest’ response is activated as messages are sent to the parasympathetic nervous system. This causes our body to naturally lower its heart rate, cortisol, and blood pressure levels. At the same time, our body begins to feel more tranquil. 

5. Improve sleep 

Lack of sleep is usually associated with depression, anxiety, and/or stress. As a result, people struggle with irregular sleeping habits that they cannot control. The essential oils used in aromatherapy massages can help solve this issue. There are seven essential oils that possess sedative and relaxing properties. Some examples are lavender, sandalwood, and chamomile. By incorporating these oils into massaging techniques, the effects of the essential oils are amplified. Because of this, people find it easier to unwind and fall into a deep sleep. 

6. Boost digestion 

Many factors contribute to digestion issues, such as poor diets or food sensitivities. As a result, it is important to focus on a holistic approach to digestive health. One common method is aromatherapy massages. Essential oils, such as peppermint and ginger, have anti-spasmodic and carminative properties. Anti-spasmodic properties are effective in alleviating symptoms of abdominal discomfort as they help relax our muscles. Meanwhile, carminative properties are effective in alleviating symptoms of bloating by relieving gas buildup. In addition, they immensely improve overall optimal gut functions when combined with gentle strokes. 

Tips for Your Next Aromatherapy Massage Session

  1. Know your needs: Think about what you want to get out of your aromatherapy massage session. Is it to uplift your mood? Or is it to relax your mind and body? Remember that every essential oil mix has its own specific properties and benefits. Choosing the right one will play a big role in creating the best experience possible!

  2. Communication is key: Remember that this experience is about you. If you have any allergies, sensitivities, or discomfort, let the staff know! Our goal is to create a personalized experience that you will not forget. 

  3. Aftercare: Drink plenty of water after your massage. By doing so, you will help flush out any toxins released during the massage. 

  4. Enjoy the experience: Breathe deeply, let go of tension, and allow yourself to be pampered. This is your time to unwind and rejuvenate.


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