6 acne prevention steps for clearer & smoother skin

Acne can cause insecurities and diminish people’s confidence. It’s important that you take care of your skin to prevent acne breakouts and impurities before they even occur. Doing things like washing your face everyday, and using effective products for your skin type can prevent acne. Here are 6 acne prevention steps for clearer and smoother skin:

1. Keep skin clean (avoid touching face)

Keeping your skin clean is extremely important when preventing acne. Dirt and grime is one of the many leading ways to acne. Touching your face, putting your phone to your face, sleeping with makeup on, not washing your face and sleeping on a dirty pillowcase are a few ways to cause an acne breakout. It is essential to wash your face morning and night, wash off your makeup before bed, change your pillowcase 2-3 times a week and do not touch your face with dirty hands. These acts can prevent an acne breakout before it even starts.

2. Use correct skincare products

An important way to prevent acne is knowing your skin type and what products work best for your skin. There are five skin types. There are 5 skin types which are oily, sensitive, dry, combination or normal. Depending on what skin type you are, you can pick what products work best for that skin type. Make sure your skincare routine contains a cleanser, an exfoliator, a serum, an eye cream and Sunscreen. These are products that should be in your skincare routine and are important to use when keeping your skin acne free.

3. Eat healthy

A major way to prevent acne is eating healthy. Eating healthy can positively impact your skin while preventing acne. Fatty and greasy foods are one of the leading causes of bad acne breakouts. Fatty foods can cause pimples and inflammation in the face. Fried food is detrimental to your health and even worse for your skin. Anything bad you digest will show through the skin. When you remove fatty and greasy foods, and intake more fruits and vegetables, it can give your skin a bright and healthy glow. This will result in your skin having fewer wrinkles and visibly more

hydrated. A well balanced diet can reduce health concerns, severe conditions and early aging. Eating clean can clear the skin with visible results within a week.

4. Drink enough water

Staying hydrated is a major factor in keeping the skin clear and free of acne breakouts. It is known that humans are supposed to intake at least a gallon of water a day. Water can brighten the skin tone, improve elasticity and hydrate the skin, reducing inflammation.

5. Exfoliate

Exfoliating the skin is extremely beneficial. Exfoliating can remove dead skin, improve the effectiveness of other skincare products in your routine, even out your skin tone and smooth your skin texture. Not exfoliating can result in dull, older looking skin and clogged pores. It’s typically best to exfoliate the face at least 2-3 times a week.

6. Limit sun exposure/ wear sunscreen

Limiting your sun exposure and wearing sunscreen can improve your skin and prevent acne. Avoid being in direct sunlight for long periods of time and wear sunscreen. Sunscreen protects the skin, reduces aging, limit sunspots, decreases chances of damaged blood vessels and protects the skin from sunburn.


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