Everything You Need to Know About Couples Massage: FAQs & Spa Etiquette

Are you thinking about getting a couples massage for the first time? Regardless of whether you’re coming to a spa with someone else or by yourself, if you’ve never gotten a massage before you’re probably wondering how it works and what the experience is like. It’s totally normal to feel a bit nervous, but we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about spa etiquette now to help ease your worries. Even if this may not be your first massage experience, this information will be useful to keep in mind.

What happens during a couples massage?

For a couples massage, your massage therapists will lead you and your partner to your assigned massage room. The room will have two separate beds/massage tables placed next to each other so you can still be close together while leaving enough room for the massage therapists to perform the individual massages.

Once you’re both in the room, the massage therapists will leave for a few moments and allow you enough time to get undressed and prepare. You don’t have to take everything off if you don’t want to, so you can leave your underwear on if you’d feel more comfortable that way. When you’re ready, you must lay on the bed facing down with the sheet draped over your body. The massage therapists will let you know when they are entering the room and then give you further instructions about how to position yourself if they have any. If you have specific preferences or health problems, remember to notify your technician so they can adjust the treatment to your specific needs.

When you’re both settled and comfortable, they will begin the massages at the same time. The massage therapist will move the sheet according to the part of your body that is actively being worked on, so you don’t have to worry about having your body fully exposed at any point of the massage. They are there to help you feel your best, so don’t be afraid to let them know if you have any concerns during the experience!

After the massage is over, the massage therapists will leave the room so you and your partner can get dressed. They will come back to clean the room later once you leave.

Do couples talk during a couples massage?

Sure! You are more than welcome to chat with your partner or whomever you’re sharing the experience with during the massage. Some couples prefer to just relax and enjoy the massage while listening to the calming spa music, so if you’d prefer to stay quiet, that’s okay too! This is your time so you can decide how you’d like to spend it!

You’ll be in a private treatment room of course, but massage rooms aren’t completely soundproof so you should be mindful of other guests in the spa and try to keep your volume at a reasonable level.

Is it rude to fall asleep during a massage?

No, it is not rude to fall asleep during a massage at all! It is actually quite common and your massage therapist will continue to perform the massage while you sleep. Don’t worry about what they might think; falling asleep during a massage shows them that they are helping you feel relaxed. If you’re comfortable enough to sleep through the massage, it actually lets your massage therapist know that what they’re doing is just right.

Can you take your phone into the spa?

Yes, most spas should allow you to bring your phone, but we recommend turning it off or putting it on silence when entering the spa, and especially in the spa treatment room. It would be best to put your phone and other belongings somewhere safe when the appointment begins so that you can focus on relaxing and fully enjoy all the benefits that massage has to offer.


Tips for preparing for a massage:

What do I wear to a couples massage?

There are no specific rules about what you can and can’t wear to a massage, but it would be best to dress comfortably and preferably in clothes that are loose-fitting. Try to avoid wearing jewelry to your appointment since you will most likely have to take them off before the massage starts anyway.

Should I eat before massage?

It is recommended to eat at least an hour before your appointment, but avoid having a big meal. If you are bloated, you will probably not enjoy the experience as much and massage may even make you feel uncomfortable. On the other hand, massage stimulates digestion, so going for your appointment on an empty stomach may also not be a great idea. Even if you have plans to go for lunch or dinner right after, you should have a light snack so you won’t feel hungry during your session.

Should you take a shower before a massage?

Yes, ideally you should take a shower before your appointment to prevent sweat or other potential toxins on your body to be rubbed into your skin. Having a shower will also help you relax your muscles, so you can go into the session feeling calm and ready.

Can I wear makeup to a massage?

You should avoid wearing makeup to your appointment, since you will most likely just be laying on the massage table faced down. This may ruin your makeup and stain the covers so it is highly recommended that you come without having makeup on. Your massage therapist does not care what you look like, but if it would make you feel more comfortable to leave with makeup on, then you are more than welcome to apply your makeup after the massage is over.

Should you shave before a massage?

It is actually not recommended to shave before a massage or body treatment. This is because massage therapy involves friction, which may lead to itchiness or skin irritation. If you decide to shave, please do so at least four hours before your appointment to give your pores and skin some time to relax.

Is it rude to get a massage with hairy legs?

No, it is not rude to get a massage with hairy legs. Your massage therapist will not judge you regardless of whether you decide to shave. Leg hair is totally normal and won’t impact the quality of your massage, so don’t worry about it!

Tipping FAQs:

Are you supposed to tip a massage therapist?

Tipping is not required, but leaving a tip will show your massage therapist that you appreciate their hard work. Performing a massage can be very physically demanding, so be sure to take that into consideration when you’re deciding whether and/or how much to tip for the service.

How do you tip for a couples massage? How much should you tip?

A tip in the form of cash is typically preferred, and you can place the tip inside an envelope marked with your massage therapist’s name. Your massage therapist(s) will come by to collect their tip later. In a case where you aren’t provided with an envelope to place your tip in, you could always give the cash tip to your massage therapist by hand and thank them. If you don’t have cash to tip with, you can ask the front desk to see if you can give the tip using your card or through a mobile payment service such as Venmo.

The standard gratuity for a massage is 20% of the total price, but the amount you decide to tip your massage therapist should ultimately depend on how they made you feel! If you were pleased with the service, we suggest leaving a 15-20% tip if you’re able to.

Is it rude not to tip a massage therapist?

No, it is not rude to forgo tipping. Tips should not be expected, but giving your massage therapist a tip is a nice gesture that they will surely appreciate. The amount you tip will give an indication of how satisfied you were with their service, but massage therapists should not judge their clients regardless of how much of a tip they leave.

If you are unhappy with the service you received, please inform the front desk about your concerns while you are checking out.


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