The 5 Biggest Couples Massage Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid

So, you’re thinking about getting a couples massage! Great choice. Whether it’s to bond, de-stress, or just do something different, couples massages are a wonderful activity that can improve your relationship with your partner, friend, family member, or whomever you decide to bring with you.

However, for beginners, there are some essential things to be aware of before you lie down, close your eyes, and enjoy. If you’ve never had a couple’s massage before, here are 5 mistakes you can easily avoid:

1.    Not Tipping your Massage Therapist

Should you tip after getting a couples massage? It is generally suggested that you leave a 15% to 20% tip for your massage therapist. If you’ve had a particularly relaxing experience, feel free to tip as much as you feel able to. Make sure to check with the spa if cash or card tips are preferred, because some spas only take cash tips. Despite providing a relaxing service for their clients, giving multiple massages a day can be physically demanding and require extended periods of concentration and care. Tips are much appreciated to show respect for the service they are providing. Leaving without tipping is not necessarily against the rules, but is strongly encouraged, similar to a restaurant or a bar. Also, because the couples massage is administered by two massage therapists instead of one, you must tip both massage therapists separately.


2.    Not Arriving On Time

Is it ok to be late to a couples massage? It can be impossible to predict traffic, transportation issues, train maintenance delays, or simply sleeping in and running late. We get it- sometimes, life happens! It’s human to run late. However, it’s very important to try to be on time to your massage appointment, and to contact the spa if you are running late. Spas are relaxing, tranquil places to spend time, but they also run a tight ship, especially in peak times and busy seasons. Being late to an appointment can disrupt the spa schedule for the day, causing you to have less time for your own couples massage. Cutting into the next appointment slot would be unfair for the following customer, so coming late to your appointment will only impact you negatively. So you’re paying for a 50 minute experience, but will only get to enjoy 30 minutes! What a waste! Additionally, being late adds stress to the occasion. You’re coming to the spa to bond with your partner and mutually relax, but after running late, you may be frazzled and distracted. Wherever possible, try to plan to come to the spa extra early so you can relax, enjoy a glass of champagne or some cool cucumber water, and sink into the moment before your couples massage begins.


3.    ­­Coming to an Appointment While One or Both of You Are Sick

Can you get a couples massage if either of you are feeling sick? Although tempting to want to feel better through a by getting a massage, it is not advised when you are feeling under-the-weather. Your body is very sensitive while sick, and requires special care. It’s possible that a massage may make it more difficult for your body to fight an infection, because of the way massages affect the lymphatic system. Even if you’re recovering and are feeling better, it’s best to wait two to three more days (or until you are back to full health) until you book a couples massage. It’s also very important to be mindful of the safety of your massage instructors, who will be with you in the room for an extended period of time and may be exposed to a viral infection if you are contagious. Essentially, when you are sick (at the beginning, middle, or end of a sickness), your body is working very hard to fight the illness so there is really only one thing that we would advise- stay home and rest!


4.    Having Questions for Your Massage Therapist, But Not Asking Them

If you’re getting a couples massage for the first time, you may have many questions in mind before beginning the service. Do I talk during the massage? Should I get fully undressed before the massage therapists come in? What exactly will happen during the massage? Do I need to interact with my partner during the session? Can I? These are all very valid questions, and it is fully advised that you take the time to speak with your massage therapist before the service begins. They are trained to put your mind at ease and make you feel as comfortable as possible. And this is the key to having a relaxing service- putting your mind at ease! If you have thoughts buzzing around your brain during your couples massage, you may not feel as present as you can be. Also, you may feel hyper-conscious of the other person’s massage experience. If you want to mention something to the massage therapist or point out that you are uncomfortable or feel a little pain, for example, should you grin and bear it for the sake of your partner’s experience? Or is it okay to bring it up? (Just to note, it is perfectly okay, and very common, for someone to talk or make a comment during a couples massage!) However, try to ask any questions you may have before the appointment begins, so you can fully relax and take advantage of the experience without those little anxieties distracting from your well-deserved relaxing time.


5.    Coming to a Couples Massage with the Wrong Intention

Are couples massages romantic? There doesn’t have to be romance in the relationship for you to choose to get a couples massage. Essentially, you just need to be comfortable enough with the other person to undress in the same room as them. This, of course, depends on the person or culture, but generally, couples massages are enjoyed by partners, family, and friends. However, the common thread is that couples massages are designed to bond two people in a shared experience of pure relaxation. This should be your intention for your couples massage, regardless of who you bring to enjoy the experience with you. Massages increase oxytocin, which helps with bonding, and reduces anxiety and stress. This is so beneficial for two people! Come to your couples massage with the intention to improve the quality of your relationship. It is not just about your individual experience, it is about sharing something special together. Keep this in mind during your service and do not let any thoughts of past fights, disagreements, or difficult aspects to your relationship to define the experience for you. Enjoy, wholly in the present, together, and let this be your main intention.


Your couples massage experience should be one that feels both relaxing for yourself, and the person you choose to bring with you. It should help to further bond you, immerse you in relaxation, and give you an experience that you will remember. It’s not every day that you get a massage (unless it is, then, lucky you!) and it’s especially not every day that you share a massage with somebody special. Come early, come prepared with questions, make sure you are in good health, remember to tip well, and prepare to reminisce about this event for years to come. Happy massage!


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Everything You Need to Know About Couples Massage: FAQs & Spa Etiquette