OMG! Another Blackhead! Everything you need to know (okay, not everything! But a lot) about Blackheads!

The Cleveland Clinic describes Blackheads as a type of acne also medically defined as acne vulgaris. They are open bumps on the skin that fill with excess oil and dead skin. Blackheads are not pimples. Blackheads affect everyone at some point in their lives. Of course. They are most common with teenagers and adolescents. A percentage of adults struggle with them as well. A quick note, blackheads are not contagious. Skin to skin contact does not cause blackheads. Any way, enough about the definition, what is important is how to get rid of them in the most safe and clinical way.


Some of the treatments suggested for blackheads are laser skin resurfacing, chemical peels, Microdermabrasion, oral antibiotics and retinoids.


On the other hand there are nonprescription medications that can trat blackheads as well. Such as, vitamin A derivatives (retinoids), benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid and salicylic acid. Most of these are available over the counter.


Your skin type can play a major role in getting blackheads. Skin that is oily or skin that has blemishes will potentially get blackheads more than other types of skin. Unfortunately, people usually don’t just have one blackhead, usually they have several. Which can be specially concerning to teenagers. As it can affect their self-esteem. It’s always a good idea to treat them asap.


Can you actually prevent blackheads from occurring? Unfortunately there is no guaranteed way to do that. Of course you can do many things to reduce blackheads from occurring. Washing your face and cleansing your pores is one way to reduce blackheads from occurring. Hydrate your skin at least twice daily with oil free moisturizers is another great way of keeping blackheads at bay. For women, washing your face at night to remove all traces of make up is a very important daily ritual that should be practiced.


Toners can help keep your skin hydrated which is a very important way to potentially prevent blackheads for happening.


It is very IMPORTANT that you do not squeeze blackheads. Do not do that. It can lead to marks and scars where the blackhead was.


Regular facials, one every four to six weeks is a great regimen to adopt. You only get one face and body, it’s really important to take care of it. The three best spa treatments are: Hydra Facials, chemical peels and Microdermabrasion. Ask your aesthetician what she thinks would be the most beneficial for your skin.


We all know anything you do over and over again, eventually becomes a habit. Whether it’s washing your face twice a day or monthly facials, once you establish a habit or routine, your skin would be internally grateful.


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