8 Reasons to consider Permanent Makeup

Permanent makeup is essentially a form of tattooing. It is the act of injecting microscopic colorants into the dermis to either add color, change the color, or even out the color. This process involves light strokes of pigment that is placed underneath the skin to create the illusion of a brighter and natural looking appearance. It is vital that these kinds of procedures are only done by licensed and trained professionals.

Here are 8 reasons why you should consider getting permanent makeup:

1. It’s an investment

Your looks,  your image and how you are perceived is extremely important in this day and age. When you look your best you feel your best. And honestly when you look your best people treat you better. Permanent makeup is essentially an investment that will help you long term. It’ll create a life of low maintenance as far as looks and applying makeup. Not only would this cut in half the time it takes for you to get ready, but it will also help you feel as if you don’t have to do MUCH to get ready. Preparing to go out can be overwhelming. Between planning your outfit, taking a shower, prepping after your shower, washing your face, applying makeup, ironing your clothes or sometimes even deciding to change your clothes at the last minute… it will seem as if you don’t have enough time to get it all done and be out of the house on time. With this procedure you’d need minimal makeup which takes away less stress when getting ready. If you’re a busy person this procedure would be vital to add into your life. The session only takes up to 2-4 hours and recovery only takes 3-5 days. Which means you can get back to your life faster and more confident when you do!

2.    Helpful for the visually or physically impaired

Applying makeup takes patience, a steady hand and good vision. Unfortunately some people don’t have that. Simple tasks can be extremely complicated for impaired individuals. Certain disorders like Tremors, Parkinsons and a Neurological disorder hinder the hands from being still and cause a rhythmic shaking throughout the body including the hands, arms, head, legs and torso. These involuntary muscle contractions can hinder them from doing basic things such as applying makeup. Not having access to these skills can be a burden, especially when you’re more of an independent person. Most of the time there's no cure for these specific disorders. However, if a person with any of these disorders receives this procedure it can significantly make their lives easier and take a weight off their shoulders. These cosmetic procedures are permanent meaning this is perfect for a visually or physically impaired person because they won’t have to apply makeup everyday because it will look as if they’re already wearing it.


3.    Great alternative for oily skin types

Oily skin is more acne prone because of clogged pores. Oily skin often looks shiny and produces sebum at a rapid pace compared to dry or normal skin types.  Because of rapid sebum build up, oily skin type faces are harder to maintain and keep clean. With that being said, just imagine how challenging it is for people with oily skin to wear makeup. A buildup of sebum can cause the skin to be greasy, cause the makeup to fade or even cause the makeup to break apart or separate on the skin. Typically people with oily skin types are told to wear makeup with a matte or powder finish to lock in moisture. Permanent concealer is used to resemble normal makeup. Permanent concealer diminishes the appearance of dark circles and can be applied to the lips and eyes how you would apply your concealer normally. This procedure uses a needle that injects light flesh toned pigment into the skin. where pigments are injected into the skin causing permanent effects that can give individuals with oily skin types a sense of relief after switching over. The injection of permanent colorants is what makes the end results waterproof, having no effect even when water is applied and on skin that is oily.


4.     Allergies to cosmetics

Allergies to makeup are fairly common. At least ⅓ of individuals living in America have experienced an allergic reaction due to cosmetics. Allergy symptoms to certain cosmetic makeups may include redness of the skin, irritation, itching, breaking out in hives, flaking or peeling of the skin and blisters. Switching over to permanent makeup would be beneficial in so many ways for someone with allergies to makeup. This alternative is healthier because the pigments and colorants contain Iron-oxide which doesn’t trigger allergies or cause allergic reactions. Iron-oxide is known as the safest color agent. It’s non-toxic with organic and inorganic ingredients with no harmful chemicals. Making permanent makeup a better alternative when looking for makeup that won’t react badly to their skin.

5.    Boosts self confidence

This procedure creates a spike in your self confidence once you see results. The treatment gives a natural look but also covers up impurities or insecurities you may have. It’s also a time saver and a great alternative for busy people who need to cut down the time they spend getting ready everyday. Nano Blading, scar camouflage, permanent concealer, microblading and powder brows can even be used to cover up skin issues or lack of hair follicles such as Alopecia, Vitiligo and hyperpigmentation. This treatment is known to enhance your best qualities and facial features. An article reviews 429 people and asks their honest opinion on permanent makeup after receiving a treatment. 73% of customers were satisfied with the outcome and more confident. Some people stated that they loved how the results turned out and even updated on how many years it’s lasted them so far. This treatment is long term with a high satisfaction rate. It’s worth the try if it can benefit you and boost your confidence. 

6.    Permanently cover up blemishes

Permanent makeup is recommended when someone wants to correct or diminish scars or dark marks. With the boost of self confidence, you have the knowledge of knowing these blemishes will be covered permanently. Scar camouflage and permanent concealer is recommended for anyone who is actively looking for ways to diminish skin concerns or impurities and make you feel more confident overall. This procedure is known to be used for covering things such as stretch marks, vitiligo, freckles, birthmarks and hyperpigmentation. Some of those disorders are very prominent and hard to cover up with just regular makeup. It’s also frustrating covering these skin conditions up with regular makeup considering it must be washed off at the end of every night. This service is waterproof and long lasting which means the hassle of taking off and reapplying your makeup everyday will diminish.

7.    Enhances your natural features

This procedure will balance and bring out your facial shape while making your natural features more prominent. After receiving this treatment your face will have a rejuvenated look to it and create an overall more youthful appearance. Permanent eyeliner is very noticeable but it draws attention to the eyes. Lip blushing brightens the lips and gives the lips more of a pout. Eyebrows can truly impact how your face is sculpted. Nano Blading, powder brows and microblading gives you properly shaped and filled in eyebrows and can accentuate your more important features and take the focus off your blemishes. After receiving one of these permanent makeup procedures you’ll also notice that your eyes and face shape are more pronounced.

8.    Adds an illusion of symmetry to the face

Typically these types of procedures are always mapped out before anything is actually applied to the skin. A properly mapped out and calculated canvas can result in an even and symmetrical effect to the face. Microblading service focuses more on drawing in any thinning areas in the brows. The eyebrows are mapped out before colorant is applied and creates a symmetrical framework, creating a symmetrical brow. The lips are also mapped out before applying lip blushing, this creates a symmetrical lip look. It is also scientifically proven that faces that are symmetrical are more attractive than faces that are not.


    Any of these treatments could be recommended for anyone who is actively looking for ways to diminish skin concerns or impurities and feel more confident overall. It creates less of a hassle to get ready or apply makeup. There is no age limit to when you can receive these treatments. It's also a great alternative for the visually impaired or people with shaky or unsteady hands. The recovery period for most of the permanent makeup procedures lasts only 3-5 days. The recovery time being so short means the quicker you'll see results, making this a fast and convenient process overall. You can soon look like that version of yourself you envision with clear and dewy skin!


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