Laser hair removal VS. Traditional methods: Why laser is the superior choice

Laser hair removal has many amazing benefits. Some people still stick to the traditional hair removal methods because it is familiar. Sometimes it’s good to step out of your comfort zone, you never know what’s better out there. Laser hair removal is definitely a great option for removing hair. It is a medical procedure in which unwanted hair is permanently removed from the body by a concentrated beam of light. The traditional methods of hair removal typically are shaving or waxing. Shaving is done by cutting hair down to the surface but not from the follicle, which causes the hair to grow back at a rapid pace. Waxing is a bit more precise because the hair is pulled from the follicle. All these types of hair removal methods may be different for everyone which is why everyone has different preferences. But what is one thing we all have in common when doing any of these? Removing hair. We all have a common goal. The best and easiest way should always be sought out. Next time you need to remove hair, consider the best option. In this case the superior choice would be laser hair removal.

What are some benefits to laser hair removal?

Some benefits to laser hair removal is that the hair is gone permanently after this procedure, after getting this procedure done, the body area you got laser on will require low effort and low  maintenance. The downside to this form of hair removal is that in some cases, the laser can cause burns, hyperpigmentation and irritability. This is due to the fact that laser hair removal doesn’t work well on darker skin completions. It’s better you’re a lighter shade if you plan on receiving laser hair removal. But overall this procedure has more positives than negatives due to the fact that it reaches your common goal, which is the removal of hair in a certain area.

What are some benefits to traditional hair removal?

Not subjected to any specific hair removal style, all hair removal methods have the effect to reduce odor, build confidence and improve overall skin health in the areas hair has been removed. What exactly are the benefits of traditional waxing? Well first, what are some methods that are considered traditional? Shaving, waxing, plucking, depilatory creams (Nair or other hair removal creams and powders) and threading. Shaving is probably the least popular out of traditional methods. Now that waxing is a thing, many people consider that more because it’s quick and easy. Waxing lasts longer than shaving with a razor, and doesn’t cause cuts or bleeding like shaving does. Shaving with razors can cause bacteria or infection. Waxing strips or hot wax can only be used once and then disposed of. Making the process a lot more clean and effective. Another form of traditional hair removal is plucking. This is particularly better for when you have a few stray hairs you want to get rid of. But to get rid of a large area of hair, plucking wouldn’t be the best option. Depilatory creams are superior for anyone afraid of razors because of the damage it could lead to, or waxing because of the pain… depilatory creams are the next best option. You apply the cream and remove it using the following instructions. This process takes less than 10 minutes when done properly and it also lasts a bit longer than shaving as well. Threading is the best for eyebrows and upper lip. It’s quick and easy and the hair takes about 2 weeks to grow back.

What is the most traditional method of hair removal?

Out of the many traditional methods there is, shaving is the most traditional method. This is because for many people, shaving was a part of culture years ago and most people stick to methods they’re familiar with. Some people find shaving extremely effective because the blades on razors can cut extremely close. Shaving is not ideal or particularly healthy for the skin, but people typically choose shaving for the simple fact that it’s easy to access a razor unlike laser hair removal, in which a high beam laser is required. Shaving can be done at any time and sometimes best for last minute hair removal. Laser hair removal has to be scheduled and planned out. Sometimes people are too busy or simply not that invested in hair removal to make time for proper care such as laser hair removal.

What is different about laser hair removal than traditional?

Laser hair removal uses upgraded equipment and has way more power than what a simple razor or wax can do. Laser is not a new way of hair removal but it has become higher in demand and an essential way of hair removal for people who don’t like body hair. A beam of light strikes down and diminishes each individual hair permanently. Waxing and shaving removes hair temporarily and causes issues such as irritation, hyperpigmentation and ingrown hairs.

What equipment is used for laser hair removal and shaving?

Laser hair removal has different laser systems that each do a different thing. Depending on the person and their grade of hair, your laser technician will know which laser to use to give you the most effective results. As for shaving, you can get a razor from anywhere. From the 99 cent store to Walmart. Meaning the razors aren’t always the best and could be very cheap and damaging to the skin.

How many treatments are needed ?

How many treatments are needed for laser hair removal exactly? Six to eight sessions for the best results. Each session is precise. The procedure is very intricate and must be done properly which means it can take a little longer to cover the whole area and damage each hair follicle for permanent hair removal.

How safe is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal can be highly dangerous if not done by a licensed and trained professional. Laser hair removal when done improperly can cause issues such as burns to the skin, hyperpigmentation or light spot patches and irritation along with scarring. It’s important this treatment is done by a skilled professional only.

Is laser hair removal FDA approved?

Yes! Laser hair removal has been approved by the FDA for years and is known as an effective permanent hair removal method. Laser removal cannot be done unless done by a licensed and trained professional. The FDA approved this procedure because it is not harmful or damaging when done correctly.

Is traditional hair removal FDA approved?

No. Certain razors are not FDA approved. However Waxing and depilatory creams are approved.  Shaving with certain razors can be extremely harmful, such as cuts, discoloration and irritation. Therefore the FDA has not approved it.

What is the success rate of laser hair removal?

The success rate is significant by 90% by your last laser treatment. Most people even see a significance after the first two sessions. This precise and intricate procedure leaves no room for mistake. Every individual hair is tended to and removed which makes the process longer and can add up to 6-8 sessions until it’s completely done.

What is the success rate of traditional hair removal?

It varies. Depending on which traditional method is used, you can have decent results but the hair will grow back from 1-2 weeks after. While laser hair removal is a permanent fix.

Overall, laser hair removal is the superior choice because it’s a long term investment. Unlike shaving, waxing, depilatory creams and threading, laser hair removal takes a few sessions and you’ll never have to worry about hair removal again.


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